Oakdene Restoration


The maintenance of your period home is very important. Managing, conserving and repairing is a time and cost-effective way to preserve and safeguard your property.

At Oakdene Restoration we can help you by maintaining the property on your behalf. We offer several maintenance plans, dependant on the size and style of your property and upon your overall requirements and desires.

Each plan is unique, tailored to your particular needs and specifications helping to keep your home a safe and pleasant place in which to live. We will draw up a plan with you and help you identify maintenance issues. We will take into account how your home is constructed; what changes/alterations have been made during its life; identify any vulnerabilities and estimate where problems might occur.

Our plans can also include

  • organising emergency repairs

  • monthly or seasonal visits

  • detailed planning involving photos and surveys

  • client liaison for specific tasks

Contact us to talk about your needs and to find out how we can help.
